To Buy or Not To Buy A Home!

Published on Nov 20, 2015
To Buy or Not To Buy A Home!
To Buy or Not To Buy A Home!

To Buy or Not to Buy a Home - is the question of 2015!

Once again, the year has passed and you are still renting, why?  Interest rates have never been this low and for this long, why are you still procrasinating?  What keeps you from building your dream? This is not just a dream of owning a home, it's the American way, and also the beggining of your financial planning!  Yes really, the markets go up and down, prices and values go up and down.  Historically, look at home prices 20 years ago, the prices were much lower than they are today.  Your parents home, how much did they pay for their home 20 - 30 years ago? What would the value be now if they sold it?

It's easy to qualify, if you have credit problems, there is almost no problem that we can't fix and get you into a home.  You need to be proactive with your finances and get started.  Start by calling me for a no cost credit analysis, let's talk goals for 2016 I know I can help you meet them.

Sincerely - Virginia Nickel | LO #282750 602.277.4545